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Hands reaching towards the sky to sweep the auric field.


Legacy Yoga Studio is an online yoga studio offering live and on demand classes, workshops, and custom programs to help you craft your home practice.


In each offering, you will gain access to tools that help you efficiently slough off that which is no longer serving you, allowing your brilliance to shine and giving space for your authentic self to grow. Through the use of movement, meditation, mantra, and breathwork in the comfort of your own home you will learn self-empowering skills to carry with you wherever you go. With dedicated practice, experience an evolution of self granting access to knowing your inner wisdom and experience peaceful living.


We offer a unique and transformative experience through Kundalini Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, and Meditation Classes to help you improve strength, clarity, and emotional balance. 


"If you want to change the world around you, start by changing the world inside of you."


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